Speak Out!
Pencaerau Primary School
Week 04:
We finished writing our song called "We Have A Voice".
Next we finished our avatars and wrote speeches for them to say and then we used an app called Chatterpix to make small videos. The app makes the avatars mouth open and close and so we recorded our voices saying the speech we had written.
Then we had our first session of Film School where we learnt 5 shots to use with the camera:
Pan - Zoom - Close Up - Long Shot - Track
Each session we have a reflection time and one of the tings we do is the post it song.Bill plays his guitar and sings a song and the time it tales to sing the song we write down three things on a post it note.
1 - What was good and why?
2 - What was hard and why?
3 - What was new and why?
Then we stick it on Bill's guitar before the song ends.